I would like to say big THANK YOU to all of you for sending your applications. So much talent is around!! I am really impressed by your beautiful creations. And I am really happy that so many of you want to become scrapki-wyzwaniowo DT members. Thank you for your support!!
Hello! My name is Lisa Griffith and I live in Georgia, USA. I’m happily married to my best friend, and we have one son, Liam, whose sweet little face appears in many of my pages. I have always kept journals and diaries of some sort, and I love going to flea markets and estate sales, always looking for some interesting materials to use on my pages, especially vintage ephemera and old books. I have been scrapbooking for years, but my part time hobby really turned into a passion for me when I discovered mixed media. I mostly create layouts and I really admire so many styles, but the one I come back to the most is a little bit vintage, very nature-inspired with lots natural elements, and always leaning to the messy and chaotic side of things. I love splashing watercolors, inks and sprays on my background, I and always try to include some unusual finds on my pages such as old lace, wool, fabric, pine cones, twigs, twine, beads, or vintage buttons…. anything to give my project a little unique twist.
I love 7 Dots Studio collections, I’m excited to join this wonderful team and I hope my art will inspire you to get messy too!
You can find me on my blog or on my Instagram.

My name is Sabrina and I’m from Quebec, Canada.
I’m a mom of two childs named: Liam, 9 and Mila, 7. I’m married to Mr. Engineering, my teenager love!
I’m early child teacher and still a student in that field because I believe in childs!
I started papercrafting in my middle 20 and discovered mixed media in 2014! I enjoy challenges and I love colors layouts.

Hello my crafty friends !! I'm Noura Pompilla from Perú. I'm 28 years old and I live in Lima (the capital) with my husband and my little girl. Since I was in school I have always liked art and I remember that I always liked to decorate my notebooks to get extra points but later I ended up studying administration. It was only when I had to leave my job to watch my daughter that I discovered the wonderful world of scrapbooking and mixed media, I love to create and play with paints, papers and textures, getting my hands messy is one of my favorite sensations.
I´m so excited to be in this cool Design team and I hope to insire you all in any way :)

I am a software engineer by profession, but Art is my passion, my dream and something I breathe for. I have studied fine arts (Oil painting, Acrylic and Charcoal) for almost 20 years!! I started my Mixed Media Journey at 2016 and fell for it immediately. The amount of freedom I get, while creating with mixed media is really makes me happy!
I love every kind of colors and papers!! My favorite color is teal, blue, pink and pale green!!My layouts depicts my love towards beauty!! My style is mainly contemporary feminine!!Another love is art journaling and always try to depict a story through my creation!!
I am addicted to Coffee!! I love to spend hours at my studio with my coffee. Collecting coffee mugs is my hobby :)
I live in NewJersey, USA with my husband and 8 years old daughter!! My family is my backbone.

My name is Vesnina Ksenia! I'm from Russia, Ekaterinburg. It is a city between Europe and Asia. Here and there you can even see the Ural mountains!))) I'm happy in marriage for almost 5 years. We have two wonderful sons (3,6 and 1,6). They are very similar to small helicopters))) Or kangaroo. It already depends on their mood.
I started scrapbooking a bit more than a year ago and still it's my big passion! It's very interesting to mix colors, to build a multi-layer composition ... It sounds like music, does not it? An inexpressible feeling when the photo in your hands comes to life and begins to tell a story. Or when a lot of photos are added to an amazing story that I want to explore and discover...
My husband unfortunately doesn't support my hobby .. But I still sit down at my desk and fly away))) I'm very happy to become the part of such amazing team! This is my first experience in foreign DT. I will try very hard!)))
My name is Martina Stoycheva. I`m from Bulgaria. I live in a small city on Black Sea coast with my husband Stanislav and my daughter Ava.
I have created albums in the past mainly to hold my pictures. Than I found mixed media and a whole new world opened for me.
I love creating. Cards, tags, layouts, everything that includes paper and lots and lots of paints and mediums.
Hello crafters! My name is Christina Lampropoulou and I come from Athens, Greece. I m 35 years old, I work as a teacher in an elementary school, I am married to a very generous and supportive man and we have two daughters 5,5 and 4.
I have been scrapbooking for about four years and my two girls are often my inspiration! I have tried every style but mixed media has stolen my heart! I adore playing with colours, pastes, textures and layers on my pages and I am always trying new techniques or designs on my pages. When I started this hobby I was mostly creating cards but now I am in love with layouts, especially mixed media projects! I love to express my feelings through my creations and always try to pop up my photo so it is always my focal point... I love my hobby and today I feel so blessed to be one of this team!

My name is Cindy Brown alias Talkis on some Quebec forums. Those who know me say I am a dynamic girl who left to mark the way. Hyperactive by nature I channel my energy into lots of scrapbooking projects. I have a boyfriend that I love and two dogs that I love children waiting Who Will one day. I am very close to my family. I also yours my artist from my grandma talent. She follows me even on Facebook. Scrapbooking entered my life in 2006 because I wanted to make an album of my dogs. I found my shoe off and since then I am a compulsive buyer! I love discovering and trying new products especially. I want them all !!!!! I love watching everything around me and inspires me to create. Making the rounds of blogs and Pinterest is also a joy for inspiration. I started this passion by making pages and then I‘m exploring the mixed media to return to pages by adding a touch of mixed media. I can not say I have a particular style,what I can say is that I like to explore all avenues.

Nazywam się Marta Turska - Grochocka, w scrapowym świecie znana jako JaMajka. Moja przygoda z rękodziełem przechodziła etapy malowania na szkle, scrapbookingu, cardmakingu, zaś teraz na dłużej zatrzymałam się na art journalowaniu i kolażach. Lubię prace mixed mediowe, dwuznaczne spojrzenia na obrazy i słowa, lubię bawić się sensem i przekazem tworzonych przeze mnie prac. Prywatnie jestem wychowawczynią w świetlicy w szkole podstawowej, kocham moją pracę, często tworzę z dziećmi i dla dzieci w trakcie różnego rodzaju warsztatów. Mam 6 letnią córeczkę, męża, dwa koty i patyczaka.
My name is Marta Turska-Grochocka, in a world of scrapbooking known as JaMajka. My adventure with crafting was gradual, from painting on a glass, through scrapbooking and cardmaking, to art-journalling and collages. I like mixed-media projects, ambigous meaning of pictures and words, I like to play with sense and meaning. In private I work in after-school club - I love my job and very often I teach children to create through many workshops. I have 6 years old daughter, a husband, two cats and a stick insect.
Hi!! I am kavitha from India.
I have been into some form of arts & crafts all the time,but when i found mixed media 3 years i was completely hooked up.Mixed media give me lots of creative freedom and allows me to experiment with different mediums and materials.I love playing with paper,colors and all pretty stuffs.My style is more of vintage/shabby chic with lots of layers and textures but i love to try anything in between.Apart from crafting i love music,sleep,shopping and long drives.
Designer, Voting & Winners Post Admin
My name is Ania, in virtual world I use a nick - wiosanka. I live in north Poland, near the Baltic Sea. I'm a wife of georgeous man and mother of two wonderful boys - Paweł (12) and Tomek (10). We spend much time together and we're rather sporty family. We ski in winter, swim and go on bike trips in the summer. My boys and the time that we spend together is a main subject of my projects.
What I love most about scrapbooking is making layouts and occasional albums. I just love to work with pictures. I can't live without colorful papers, washi tapes, small buttons, fun badges and paint splashes. There is a black ink in almost each of my work. I recently liked chipboards very much and I often put them into my projects.
Mam na imię Ania, w wirtualnym świecie używam nicka - wiosanka. Mieszkam na północy Polski, blisko morza. jestem żoną cudownego mężczyzny i mamą dwóch wspaniałych chłopców - Pawła (12) i Tomka(10). Spędzamy razem dużo czasy, lubimy aktywne formy wypoczynku. Jeździmy na nartach zimą, a latem na rowerowe wycieczki. I to właśnie moi chłopcy i czas, spędzony razem jest głównym tematem moich prac.
To, co najbardziej kocham w scrapbookingu to tworzenie layoutów i pamiątkowych albumów. Uwielbiam pracę ze zdjęciami. Nie umiałabym żyć bez kolorowych papierów, papierowych taśm washi, guzików, zabawnych buttonów i chlapania farbami. Czarna ecolina jest prawie na każdej mojej pracy. Ostatnio bardzo polubiłam tekturki i teraz często umieszczam je na swoich pracach.
Designer, Founder & Main Admin
Scrapbooking fills my whole life – it is all around me – in my private life and in my job career, as I am the owner of 7 Dots Studio and also an eager scrapbooker . I love the process of creation – I have created things since early childhood – all kinds of handmade things always attracted me. I cannot imagine my life without making some art. Even if I leave for a weekend, I always take my small “art-bag”, filled with art-journal supplies. I love all kinds of media – if I would have to define my style, I would say that media are the only constant thing.
I am lucky enough to be involved in full time job at a few amazing and very creative scrapbooking brands and places. I love drinking coffee, reading books, walking through the forest, watching flowers on the meadow, basking in the autumn sun and being deep in my inner world. I can say that I am a happy person and wouldn’t change a single thing in my life.
I hope you will enjoy creating with us at scrapki-wyzwaniowo challenge blog.
Scrapbooking wypełnia całe moje życie - jest wszędzie wokół mnie - w życiu osobistym i zawodowym, gdyż jestem właścicielką 7 Dots Studio oraz gorliwą scraperką. Kocham proces tworzenia - tworzyłam rzeczy od wczesnego dzieciństwa i każdego rodzaju rękodzieło zawsze mnie przyciągało. Nie potrafię wyobrazić sobie swojego życia bez jakiejś twórczości. Nawet jeśli wyjeżdżam na weekend, zawsze zabieram małą "twórczą torebkę" wypełnioną moimi narzędziami i mediami do art-journalowania. Kocham media - jeśli miałabym zdefiniować mój styl, powiedziałabym, że media są w moich pracach jedyną stałą. Jestem szczęściarą "na pełen etat" zaangażowaną w scrapbooking i współpracuję z kilkoma niezwykle inspirującymi miejscami i markami. Uwielbiam pić kawę, czytać książki, spacerować po lesie, patrzeć na łąkowe kwiaty, rozkoszować się ciepłem jesiennego słońca i być zatopioną w moim wewnętrznym świecie. Mogę powiedzieć, że jestem szczęśliwym człowiekiem i nie zmieniłabym w swoim życiu niczego.
Mam nadzieję, że będziecie z radością tworzyć z nami, na blogu scrapki-wyzwaniowo.
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New team will start to inspire you in April. Before the end of the month we will say goodbye to some of our wonderful teamies. It will be sad moment for all of us... On March, 15th we will publish second reveal of our current challenge. So stay tuned and join our challenges.