Saturday 5 May 2018

Winners of April 2018 challenge "Gardening"

Hello all Scrapki-wyzwaniowo fans!
Today, with a great pleasure, we'd like to announce
the Winners of our 
April challenge "Gardening".

It was really hard to choose only two best projects among over 30 that You created for our April challenge. All of them are truly amazing.

Our Design Team by voting decided that the Winners are:

Wonderful burst of colors and flowers! Congratulations!
You win a prize sponsored by 7 Dots Studio.

Great take on our challenge! Fantastic project! Congratulations!
You win a prize sponsored by UmWow Studio.

The Winners badge for You Ladies.

And the Random Winner is:

Amazing creation! Congratulations!
You win a prize sponsored by 7 Dots Studio.

Congratulations to our April Winners.
Ladies, Your creations are amazing!
Big thank You! for our generous Sponsors as well!

Good luck for all of You in our May 2018 challenge "Blue sky"!
We are waiting for Your beautiful projects :-)


  1. Oh My gosh!!! Thank you ladies! Thank so much!!!😀💖😀

    1. And, please, write me how I can get my prize))

  2. Ohhhhh!!! Thank you so much!!! You’ve made my day! So happy and honored!
