Saturday 5 January 2019

Winners of December 2018 challenge "Joy"

Hello all fans of Scrapki - wyzwaniowo!
Today it's the day of announcing the Winners of our
December challenge "Joy".

Among many wonderful projects, our DT chose:

Wonderful, joyful Christmas cards!
Congratulations Alicja, this is the prize for you.

Fantastic, wintery project!
Congratulations Barbetka, this is the prize for you.

And the Random Winner is:

Beautiful, festive cards!
Congratulations Anastasya, this is the prize for you.

Congratulations to all our December Winners.
Ladies, your creations are different but all wonderful!
Big thank you! to our generous Sponsor as well!
All prizes are founded by 7 Dots Studio.

And at the end...
It was a great honour and pleasure for me to make Winner's posts on Scrapki-wyzwaniowo.
It's a great, creative and friendy place.
Thank you Tusia, Nick, all DT members and you - wonderful artists from all over the world.
It was a great time with you here.
And for sure we'll meet in other creative places and blogs.

I wish you all a wonderful year 2019!
Hugs & kisses!


  1. Congrats to the winners! We will miss your blog. Hugs 😘😘

  2. Thank you and congratulations to Alicja and Anastasya 😊

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